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이달의 kcj Hot Article / 2024년 1월
Risk of Atrial Fibrillation and Adverse Outcomes in Patients With Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices
저자 So-Ryoung Lee, MD, PhD,1,2,* Ji Hyun Lee, MD, PhD,3,* Eue-Keun Choi, MD, PhD,1,2 Eun-Kyung Jung, BS,4 So-Jeong You, BS,4 Seil Oh, MD, PhD,1,2 and Gregory YH Lip, MD1,5,6
소속 1Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
2Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
3Department of Cardiology, Cardiovascular Center, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, Korea.
4Medtronic Korea, Ltd., Seoul, Korea.
5Liverpool Centre for Cardiovascular Science, University of Liverpool and Liverpool Chest and Heart Hospital, Liverpool, United Kingdom.
6Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark.
첨부파일1 kcj-54-13-abf001.jpg kcj-54-13-abf001.jpg (다운 87회)

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