2003년도 대한순환기학회 춘계학술대회 일정

10:30-12:00 Interesting EKG  
  지정판독자 : 배장호(건양의대)/윤호중(가톨릭의대)/최인석(가천의대)

  관동맥질환 (1)-Recent progress in the management of ischemic heart diseases
  13:10-13:35 1. Emerging antithrombotic approaches for acute coronary syndrome 김경수 /한양의대
  13:35-14:00 2. New concept of management for ischemic heart disease with DM 정익모 /이화의대
  14:00-14:25 3. Current status of PCI in ischemic heart disease 김영대 /동아의대
  14:25-14:45 4. Current status of surgical revascuclarization in ischemic heart disease 김기봉 /서울의대
  14:45-15:10 5. New concept in secondary prevention of ischemic heart disease 김치정 /중앙의대

크리스탈 3
 연수강좌 (2)
  심부전 -Recent advances in the management of chronic heart failure
  13:10-13:35 1. Update on the recent clinical trials and What ’s new in 2003 ? 김재중 /울산의대
  13:35-13:55 2. New markers of heart failure 김동운 /충북의대
  13:55-14:25 3. Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy - Biventricular pacing 최기준/울산의대
  14:25-14:45 4. Transplantation and other surgical options 박국양 /가천의대
  14:45-15:05 5. Future perspectives in the management of heart failure 최동주 /서울의대

 소아심장 연수강좌 (1)
  13:10-13:25 1. Preexcitation syndrome in children 고재곤 /울산의대
  13:25-13:40 2. Supraventricular tachycardia besides preexcitation syndrome 노정일 /서울의대
  13:40-13:55 3. Ventricular tachycardia 현명철 /경북의대
  13:55-14:10 질의 및 응답  
  14:10-14:25 4. Postoperative arrhythmia 배은정 /서울의대
  14:25-14:40 5. Bradycardia in the childhood 김남수 /한양의대
  14:40-14:55 6. Fetal arrhythmia 홍영미 /이화의대
  14:55-15:10 질의 및 응답  
Coffee break and visit exhibition

 서순규 교수 기념특강
 15:40-16:10 Pandemic of Cardiovascular Disease, a challenge & an opportunity
                      Shahryar A.Sheikh /President of Asian Pacific Society of Cardiology

  기초 연구 -State of art cardiovascular research in Japan
 16:10-16:40 1. Translational research of anti-monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 gene therapy against restenosis and atherosclerosis               Kenshuke Egashira /Kyushu University
 16:40-17:10 2. Pathophysiological roles of myocardial endothelin-1 during transition to heart failure Yasuki Kihara /Kyoto University
 17:10-17:40 3. Stem cell-myocyte etc Keiichi Fukuda /Keio University
 17:40-18:10 4.Bone marrow-derived progenitor cells contribute to vascular repair and atherosclerosis repair and atherosclerosis Masataka Sata /Tokyo University

크리스탈 3
 연수강좌 (4)
  전기생리학 및 부정맥 -Basic concept of clinical cardiac electrophysiology
  16:10-16:30 1. Mechanism,interpretation and DDX of intracardiac electrogram in SVT : WPW,CBT,and AVNRT 조정관 /전남의대
  16:30-16:50 2. RF ablation in cardiac arrhythmia anatomy,RFCA technique and result in SVT 신동구 /영남의대
  16:50-17:10 3. Warfarin or antiplatelet agents in the elderly patients with AF? 이만영 /가톨릭의대
  17:10-17:30 4. The current indications for the cardiac pacemaker 이문형 /연세의대
  17:30-17:40 질의 및 응답  
  17:40-18:00 5. New concept in the management of patients with unexplained syncope 원인 불명 실신 환자 :어떻게 할 것인가 ? 김준수 /성균관의대
  18:00-18:10 질의 및 응답  

 소아심장 연수강좌 (2)
  Transposition of great artery
  16:10-16:25 1. Anatomy 서정욱 /서울의대
  16:25-16:40 2. Physiology and diagnosis 최재영 /연세의대
  16:40-16:55 3. Preoperative care 강이석 /성균관의대
  16:55-17:10 4. Surgical treatment of TGA 서동만 /울산의대
  17:10-17:20 5. Late result of atrial switch operation 박영환 /연세의대
  17:20-17:30 6. Early and late results of the operation for TGA with VSD and LVOTO 이정열 /서울의대
  17:30-17:50 7. Recent 5-year ’s surgical result of arterial switch operation for the simple and complex TGA in Korea (각 5분씩 :4-5병원, 총 20분)
              (이정열 ,김웅한 ,전태국 ,성시찬 ,박영환 )
  17:50-17:55 질의 및 응답  

 연수강좌 (5)
  관동맥질환 (2)-Current perspective of management of AMI
 08:30-08:50 1. Update on thrombolysis and reperfusion in acute ST elevation MI 박헌식 /경북의대
 08:50-09:10 2. Percutaneous coronary intervention after thrombolytic therapy 전두수 /가톨릭의대
 09:10-09:30 3. Adjunctive devices of primary angioplasty in acute myocardial infarction 채인호 /서울의대
 09:30-09:50 4. Adjunctive pharmacotherapy with PCI in AMI 채제건 /전북의대
토의 :탁승제,장양수,안태훈,정명호,한규록,권현철

  심초음파 -Old and new concepts of constrictive pericarditis
  08:30-09:00 1. Echo-Doppler diagnosis of constrictive pericardits 하종원 /연세의대
  09:00-09:30 2. Unique features of mitral annulus in constrictive pericarditis 손대원 /서울의대
  09:30-10:00 3. Clinical features of constrictive pericarditis in Korea 송재관 /울산의대
  Coffee break and visit exhibition  

 Interesting case and interactive session
  10:30-12:00 토의자 :범희승,윤정한,전은석,김무현,김영권,채인호  

연수교육 평점 17-18일 :7점 내과분과전문의 평점 17-18일 :5점

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