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Relationship between clinical factors including physical activity and job category and masked effect defined by ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
한양대학교 의과대학 내과¹ , 한양대학교 의과대학 예방의학교실², 서울대학교 사범대학 체육교육학과 ³
신진호¹ , 이형민² , 김유미² , 김연수³, 김배근¹ , 김미경² , 최보율²
Background: Masked hypertension is well known for its poor cardiovascular outcome. But clinical clues related to the masked hypertension and/or masked effect(ME) are rarely known. Physical activity and/or job stress are related to increased daytime blood pressure(BP). This study is to identify whether ME is caused by physical activity and/or job category. Methods: 167 persons applied for this study to examining physical activity using Actical® and masked effect by clinic BP and ambulatory BP monitoring. ME was calculated as daytime systolic BP minus clinic systolic BP. Results: Age of the subjects was 54.9±9.6 and 74 subjects were female(57.4 %). Field worker was 81(48.5%) and office worker was 86(51.5%). Clinic BP was 125.8±14.3/79.8±10.9mmHg in male and 119.0±14.0/74.2±8.9mmHg in female(p=0.03). Daily energy expenditure representing physical activity was 1831.1±420.4 kcal. ME for systolic BP was 11.0±11.1 mmHg and ME for diastolic BP was 3.9±8.0 mmHg. In multiple linear regression adjusted by smoking and antihypertensive medication showed that clinic systolic BP was the only significant factor related to the ME( ß = - 0.44755, p < 0.0001 in male, ß = - 0.396, p < 0.0001 in female ). Physical activity or job category was not related to ME. Conclusions: Neither physical activity nor job category is related to ME. This indicates that diagnosis of the masked hypertension is not affected by physical activity or job status.


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