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Comparison of 3 Different Assays for Measuring Platelet Function and Monitoring Residual Platelet Activity after Clopidogrel Medication in Patient with Coronary Stent Implantation
동아대학교병원 순환기내과¹, 임상시험센터²
장홍철¹ ² , 김무현¹ ², 곽용철², 조용락¹, 백희경¹, 박경일¹, 박종성¹, 박태호¹, 김영대¹
Background: Accumulating studies have shown that platelet reactivity above the certain cut off can increase post-intervention ischemic event rates exponentially, and the concept of high on treatment platelet reactivity (HPR) currently has been accepted as a major cardiovascular risk factor. There is little study to show the correlation and agreement between LTA, MEA and VerifyNow data according to the consensus definitions of HPR to ADP. Objective: To assess the correlation and agreement between the potential cutoffs suggested by LTA, MEA and VerifyNow data in Korean patients. Methods: We enrolled 160 consecutive patients with LTA, MEA and VerifyNow measurements after percutaneous coronary intervention, mostly within 24 hrs. The criteria of HPR was LTA>59%, MEA>46.8 and VerifyNow≥240 PRU. Results: The prevalence of HPR was 21.3% by MEA, 23.7% by LTA and 66.3% by VerifyNow. MEA showed a significant correlation (ρ=0.535, p<0.0001) with LTA and moderate agreement (κ=0.158, p<0.001) with 90% of concordant values. A significant correlation was found between MEA and VerifyNow (ρ=0.391, p<0.001) with good agreement (κ=0.116, p=0.004) and 45% of concordant values. Also significant correlation was found between LTA and VerifyNow (ρ=0.569, p<0.0001) with good agreement (κ=0.165, p<0.001) and 48.7% of concordant values (fig). Conclusion: The cutoffs of HPR measured by LTA, MEA and VerifyNow correlate well. MEA might represent a reliable method and valid alternative in comparison with other available platelet function assays.
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