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Stent Strut Fractures in Drug Eluting Stents: a Korean Multicenter study
가톨릭 의대¹ , 서울의대 ² , 연대의대 신촌 세브란스 병원 ³ , 국민건강 보험공단 일산병원⁴, 원주의대 5, 인제의대 부산백병원 6, 연세의대 영동 세브란스 병원 7 , 울산의대 서울 아산병원8
박철수¹, 정욱성¹ , 승기배¹ , 김범준¹ , 이종미¹ , 구본권² , 장양수³ , 양주영⁴ , 윤정한5 , 김두일6 , 윤영원7 , 박승정8
Backgrounds: We sought to define the pattern, the clinical outcome and the risk predictors of stent strut fracture (SSF) after drug-eluting stent (DES) implantation. Methods. We gathered SSF cases in 13 centers in Korea. SSF was diagnosed in coronary angiograms showing definite interruption of the linear or curvilinear connection of the stent struts. In addition, SSF was identified in intravascular ultrasounds (IVUSs) showing more than one image slice with a loss of stent struts. Furthermore, we classified the SSFs into three patterns (disruption, avulsion, and displacement) according to the interruption site and absence or presence of displacement. Results. Thirty-seven SSFs(2 disruption, 7 avulsion, 28 displacement) occurred in 35 lesions in 35 patients. All fractured stents were sirolimus-eluting stents (SESs). The average length of stent used was 49 mm, overlapping stenting was performed in 19 lesions (54%), and the average maximal angulation in the initial coronary angiography was 67°. All of these factors appear to be risk predictors of SSF. Twenty-four fractures (65%) were associated with focal in stent restenosis and 11 fractures (30%) with target lesion revascularization. No acute coronary syndrome developed. Conclusions. SSF after DES implantation is not rare, especially after SES implantation. Long stenting, overlapping stenting and severe angulation are risk predictors of SSF. However, because it has relatively good clinical outcome, SSF is not serious enough to prevent DES implantation
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