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2016년 심혈관 춘계통합학술대회 제8회 아시아 · 태평양 심부전 학술대회


[Epidemiology] Apr. 20 (Sat.) 14:50-16:20 201 (2F)
Novel Biomarkers and Risk Factors for Heart Disease
Chairperson(s)김광일, 김현창
Panel 배장환, 손일석, 정선재
14:50-15:00 Systems Epidemiology Approach for Better CVD Prevention 김현창 / 연세의대
15:00-15:15 Stress Biomarkers and Cardiovascular Disease 이주미 / 을지의대
15:15-15:30 Immunosenescence & Inflammaing Biomarkers and Cardiovascular Disease 이원우 / 서울의대
15:30-15:45 Mebabolomics Approach to Biomarkers and Mechanisms of Cardiometabolic Disease 이상국 / 연세의대
15:45-16:00 Social Network Analysis and Cardiovascular Disease 염유식 / 연세대학교
16:00-16:20 Discussion

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