학술대회 안내 사전등록 안내 초록등록 안내 초록등록/관리 숙박및교통 안내

2005년 9월 29일 (목)
제6회의장(그랜드볼룸B) Basic research

Basic 2 17:00~18:00 : 전은석,주승재
 129  17:00~17:12 Transfection of tTG Gene into MSCs Enhances Adhesiveness and Rescues Cells from Anoikis in Infarcted Myocardium
....................Cardiovascular Research Institute, Brain Korea 21 Project for Medical Science, Cardiology Division, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul 120-752, Korea;
........Hwang KC, Song HS, Chang WC, Lim SY, Kang SM, Ko YG, Jang YS, Chung NS
 130  17:12~17:24 Stromal cell-derived factor-1 stimulates the survival and proliferation of Sca-1+ mesenchymal stem cells derived from mouse bone marrow
....................Department of Cardiology, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
........Seung-Cheol Choi, Chi-Youn Park, Ji-Hyun Choi, Jihyun Yoon, Young-Hoon Kim, Wan-Joo Shim, Young-Moo Ro, Do-Sun Lim
 131  17:24~17:36 Myotissue implants into myocardial infarct zone decreases infarct size and improves left ventricular function in infarct scar.
....................광주기독병원 순환기내과¹, Division of cardiology, Beth Israel Deaconees Medical Center, Harvard Medical School²
........윤성훈¹, 이광욱¹ , 박오성¹, 김종환¹ , 강동구¹ , 이승욱¹ , 조상기¹, Roger J. Laham²
 132  17:36~17:48 Transduction of heat shock protein 70, Hsp70, leads to better survival of mesenchymal stem cells in hypoxic conditions and infarcted myocardium
....................Cardiovascular Research Institute, Brain Korea 21 Project for Medical Science, Cardiology Division, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul 120-752, Korea;
........Song HS, Kang WC, Lim SY, Chung JH, Chang WC, Lee SG, Kang SM, Ko YG, Chung NS, Jang YS, Hwang KC.
 133  17:48~18:00 Cardiac SP cells have different characteristics distinct from bone marrow SP cells
....................Department of Cardiology, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
........Seung-Cheol Choi, Jihyun Yoon, Chi-Yeon Park, Ji-Hyun Choi, Young-Hoon Kim, Wan-Joo Shim, Young-Moo Ro, Do-Sun Lim
