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ǥ : ȣ - 520141   87 
Alteration of inward rectifier K+ channels in small-diameter coronary artery of isoproterenol-induced hypertrophied model
¹ 인제대학교 의과대학 부산백병원 심장내과학교실, ² 인제대학교 심혈관 및 대사질환 연구센터, FIRST 미토콘드리아 연구그룹, ³ 인제대학교 의과대학 생리학교실 미토콘드리아생체신호-국가지정연구실
박원선² ³, 김성만¹ ² , 손연경² ³ , 고은아² ³ , 김나리² ³ , 염재범² ³ , 한진² ³ , 박영진¹ , 노은지¹ , 한양천¹ , 김기훈¹ , 설상훈¹ , 양태현¹ , 김대경¹ , 김두일¹ , 김동수¹ ²
We investigated the effects of angiotensin II (Ang II) on inward rectifier K+ (Kir) channels in small-diameter coronary arterial smooth muscle cells (SCASMCs) of control and isoproterenol (Iso)-induced hypertrophied rabbits. Kir current amplitude and Kir channel protein expression were definitely lower in the Iso-induced hypertrophied model than in the control. In a pressurized arterial experiment, 15 mmol/L K+ induced vasodilation was greater in the control arteries than in the arteries of Iso-induced hypertrophied model. Ang II reduced the Kir current in a concentration-dependent manner, and this inhibition was greater in SCASMCs from Iso-induced hypertrophied model than from control. Although, there was no difference in the expression of Ang II type 2 (AT2) receptor between SCASMCs of control and Iso-induced hypertrophied model, the expression of Ang II type 1 (AT1) receptor and phosphorylated PKC were greater in SCASMCs of Iso-induced hypertrophied model than of control. Therefore, we conclude that Ang II inhibits Kir channels more prominently in SCASMCs of Iso-induced hypertrophied model owing to increases in the expression of AT1 receptor and the activation of PKCα. Our findings about the differential expression of Kir channels and different modulation of Kir channels by a vasoconstrictor (Ang II) in a hypertrophy model are important for better understanding the responsiveness of small-diameter arteries during hypertrophy.


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