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Changes of Hemodynamic Profiles after Device-Guided Paced Breathing Exercise in Hypertensive Patients
연세대학교 원주의과대학 순환기내과
김장영, 최경훈, 정일형, 왕희성, 최현민, 유병수, 이승환, 윤정한
Background and Objective: Device-guided breathing (DGB) exercises have a potential to become a nonpharmacologic treatment of hypertension. The effect of hemodynamic variables after DGB exercises is unclear. Recently, impedance cardiography (ICG) has gained popularity as a noninvasive method to measure hemodynamic variables in hypertensive patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of DBG exercises on hemodynamic variables measured by ICG. Methods: A total of 15 hypertensive individuals with BP >140/90 mmHg were enrolled. The treatment group was monitored for 8 weeks and also engaged in 15 min daily sessions with device-guided breathing exercises. BP was measured at baseline, 4 weeks and 8 weeks after using slow breathing exercise device (RESPeRATE, InterCure). Noninvasive hemodynamic measurements were performed using the BioZ ICG Monitor (CardioDynamics, San Diego, CA) by a technician after 5 min of rest in the supine position at baseline and after after using DBG exercise for 8 weeks. We measured heart rate, cardiac index (CI), stroke index (SI), total fluid content (TFC), systemic vascular resistance index (SVRI) and total arterial compliance index (TACI). Result: A total of 15 treatment patients (male 60%, age 47±7yr, BMI 25±3 kg/m2) completed the study. Office BP (systolic/diastolic) was reduced form baseline to end value (mean±SD) by 9.6±13.3/5.0±7.4 mmHg (p<0.05) without significant heart rate change. CI, SI and TFC were similar between baseline and end value. DBG exercise had significantly lower SVRI (3420±864 vs. 3062±829 dyne.sec2.cm5.m2, p<0.01) and significantly higher TACI (1.0±0.3 vs. 1.4±0.4 mmHg/mL/m2, p<0.05). Conclusion: DGB exercise significantly lowered blood pressure because it reduces systemic vascular resistance and increases arterial compliance without change of cardiac output, heart rate.
