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The Effect of Green Tea Cathechin on Endothelial Function and Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Chronic Smoker
전남대학교병원 순환기내과
김원, 정명호, 윤지혜, 조숙희, 임상엽, 홍서나, 이상록, 김계훈, 손일석, 박형욱, 김주한, 안영근, 조정관, 박종춘, 강정채
Background: Circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) with an endothelial phenotype contribute to the regeneration and repair of the artery. The number of circulating EPCs has an inverse correlation with chronic smoking and endothelial dysfunction. Green tea cathechin improved endothelial dysfunction. However, the effect of green tea cathechin on the number of circulating EPCs and endothelial dysfunction in chronic smoker is not well-known. Methods: In 10 young healthy smokers (29.3±2.1 years, male), endothelial function defined by flow-mediated endothelium dependent vasodilation (FMD) of the brachial artery via ultrasound, as well as the number of EPCs isolated from peripheral blood, were determined by baseline and 2 weeks after taking green tea (8g/day). Circulating EPCs were quantified by flow cytometry as CD45lowCD34+VEGFR2+ (EPCs) in 10 smokers and by acyl-LDL and lectin double positive cells after 7 days culture. Results: Changes of clinical characteristics, hsCRP and laboratory examination were not different between the baseline and after 2 weeks. EPC levels were inversely correlated with the number of cigarettes smoked. Circulating EPCs by flow cytometry (308.0±240.2/ml vs 968.0±405.3/ml, P<0.02) and cultured EPCs (107.5±31.3/10 field vs 166.2±56.0/10 field, P<0.002) increased rapidly after 2 weeks green tea medication. FMD was significantly improved after 2 weeks (4.99±1.71 vs 7.74±1.64, p<0.002). The FMD correlated with EPC count (r = 0.59, p<0.05). Conclusion: The number of circulating EPCs snd FMD was reduced in chronic smokers. Green tea led to a rapid improvement of EPC levels and FMD. Even short-term green tea may be an effective means to reduce cardiovascular risk in chronic smoker.
